The story of (Y)OUR WAY OF LIFE
"Hacking life and learning from each other."
In this affluent society it is normal to 'lose your way', that is completely understandable and it is not your fault. With the courses we offer on this platform we provide the tools to create the right mindset and know-how, because that is where it all starts. Mind over body.
Creating YOUR WAY OF LIFE by offering courses that help you become a better and healthier version of yourself every day. With the courses we focus on mind, body and soul . Together with leading coaches we offer a platform where we want to challenge you to become (even) more conscious and healthy.
We want to learn from each other, inspire each other and let each other grow. No bullshit, but commit to yourself for a strong mindset, a healthier body and a balanced life. YOUR WAY OF LIFE.
We're hacking life together.
The start
A conscious and healthy lifestyle through Intermittent Fasting and the combination with the benefits of green tea/matcha. This is where the story of our WAY OF LIFE begins. A life changer for Pieter Loridon and later for many others. After his sports career, Pieter found no way to stay sharp, he 'yo-yoed' with his weight for 12 years. But through the WAY OF LIFE he lost more than 19 kilos by even exercising less and discovered where it went wrong all that time. Pieter shared his transformation via social media, many positive reactions followed and so the idea arose to give workshops on Intermittent Fasting. In these, the basics of Intermittent Fasting were explained and Pieter shared his know-how about the combination of Intermittent Fasting and green tea. The golden combination.
Many people have already started with the Intermittent Fasting Matchapolitan Lifestyle, our goal here is to give people a good start with this lifestyle by offering the Intermittent Fasting Matchapolitan Lifestyle course. After just a few weeks we received positive stories from IFM'ers, not only did they lose a lot of weight but the cravings were less and the skin and the quality of sleep had improved significantly. Of course there are more positive side effects of this lifestyle.
From here we continued to build on a very strong foundation, the belief that everything comes from yourself. From this belief YOUR WAY OF LIFE was created, a platform where we will focus on awareness, balance, mindset, health, movement and above all helping and inspiring each other.
Nothing beats LOVE